Slack - Tom DeMarco



Madmen in the halls (chap 1)

Busyness (chap 2)

The myth of fungible resources (chap 3)

Managing Eve (chap 5)

Business instead of busyness (chap 6)

The cost of pressure (chap 7)

Overtime (chap 9)

Power sweeper (chap 11)

The second law of bad management ("put yourself in as your own utility infielder") (chap 12)

Culture of fear (chap 13)

Litigation (chap 14)

Process obsession (chap 15)

Quality (chap 16)

Efficient and/or effective (chap 17)

Management by objectives (chap 18)

Vision (chap 19)

Leadership and "leadership" (chap 20)

Fear and safety (chap 22)

Trust and trustworthiness (chap 23)

Timing of change (chap 24)

What middle management is there for (chap 25)

Danger in the white space (chap 27)

Uncommon sense (chap 29)

Risk management: the minimal prescription (chap 30)

Learning to live with risk (chap 32)